Thursday, July 3, 2014

Obscure Teen Magazine from the 90s, Part One: Tell, Fall 1994, Vol. 4, No. 3

I sadly only have a few remaining teen magazines from the 90s.  I threw away a bunch when I had to clean out my closet in my old bedroom at my parents house, about 5 years ago. I am kicking myself for throwing away 90s issues of Delias, Sassy, Mademoiselle, Seventeen, YM, Teen, Sugar, and a plethora of other magazines. However, for whatever reason, I held onto some issues of some of the more obscure magazines,  like Tell and Quake. Does anybody else remember those??

Anyway, I thought I would share with internet-land these gems.  These are only a few of the pages and ads. I can scan them for better quality if anyone else out there loved 90s teen mags as much as me! There is one I am grasping to remember and wish I could find, was it called Mouth or something weird like that??

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Eating Healthy

Ever since I saw the documentary "Hungry for Change," I have been trying to make sure everything I eat is purely nutritional.  I highly recommend the film, it is extremely eye opening!!

Anyway, I found these at Target yesterday,  excited to try them out:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm a shopaholic

Here is a collective haul. Mostly beauty products. This is what my hard earned money buys me.

I have turned into a major Love & Toast fanatic.  I first heard about the brand from a Youtuber.  I love watching the beauty Youtubers.  I learn about a bunch of new products.  If I had the guts to do it, I would, but nooooo...never gonna happen.  So I started this blog instead.

I bought the Love & Toast starter kit @ my local Ulta for $12.99.  I wanted it so I could try a bunch of different things out without having to commit to a full size product.

I bought all of the above from TJ Maxx.  They have a ton a great beauty product finds!! For way less than the normal retail price.

Lastly, my essentials, I bought from I love Vitacost also, but sometimes I can find lower pricing on AND I get cash back on purchases that I can use toward my next purchases! Win-win.

I must note, I bought everything with my own money and I am not affiliated with any products, website, companies or stores mentioned in any blog posts by me.   This is how I shop and what I buy.

Ipsy is here!

My May bag arrived...and I cannot wait to try it all.  I have a lot of all natural products in my bag this month...impressed!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Shopping. Again.

I spent some money today...which I have got to stop doing. I went to Victoria's Secret and Express. VS had 3 for $30 Pink beauty products - oh, and I got free marshmellows (?!) Yeah...don't know...chocolate would have been more appealing.  And Express had $50 off of $100!!!! Best deal e-ver.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pretty Spring Clothes!

I bought some really pretty spring shirts from  I definitely recommend checking the website out! They have super cute clothes.  And important to note, I am not affiliated with them at all, I found the website all on my own and I love it! And the shipping was incredibly fast.

Here's a pic of the shirts when I got received them in the mail yesterday. Also, I posted pics of the shirts from the website. I will link them if I can find them again.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Right now, for spring, Payless has some extremely cute sandals!
I bought this pair. I wanted the mint color but they didn't have that color at the one by my house.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Kate Moss @ TopShop

Kate Moss @ TopShop!! 4.30.2014!!


Kate Moss is one of my style inspirations...I am definitely going to be shopping this collection!

April 2014 Ipsy Bag

So excited to try everything!! Super excited about the Urban Decay Eye Pencil...I have been wanting to try that one out.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Easter is my favorite holiday.  I ordered a dress from that is super duper cute!! I haven't received it yet, but here it is:

I also ordered this bracelet.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

TJ Maxx Mini Haul

C Booth Lotion and Dry Body Oil in Honey Almond Scent
Love & Toast Clementine Crush
Rusk Being Sexy Mousse

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 2014 Glam Bag!!!

My Ipsy Glam Bag arrived today!!!
I cannot wait to try everything out!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

♥ February Favorites ♥

These are the things I've been loving:

Pop lip gloss
From the February Glam Bag from Ipsy
Pink and shiny and perfect.

Gud Lotion by Burts Bees - Pearanormal Activity
The smell is amazing! This is also a February empty because I used it all up...sad face...

Be Matte Blush
From the February Glam Bag from Ipsy

Alba Botanical Good & Clean Towelettes
There is a smooth side for cleansing and an exfoliating side.  They work really well and don't leave my skin feeling sticky or burned, unlike some other ones I've tried.

Baby Lips by Maybelleine
No need for a description/review on this one.  If you've tried them, you love them.

Now, for the FOOD!

I found this at the grocery store last month...I could not resist buying it since I am in love with all things caramel/salted caramel.

JIF Salted Caramel Hazelnut Spread
(and it's soooo delicious!)  The blend of caramel and hazelnut is so good I cannot even describe it.  It tastes nothing like nutella.

Larabar Uber - Sticky Bun
The BEST protein/snack bar I have ever had.  Ever.

Carr's Whole Wheat Crackers
THE best cracker I have ever had.  Ever.  They are really thick for a cracker, they are more like a biscuit.  I love them!


That's all I have time for today.  My next post will be my haul.  Seriously, everything on the website is $5.99.  This will be my second shipment from them.  The quality of the jewelry is surprising.  All of the jewelry is $1.99, so I thought it would be chintzy and cheap.  Nope...not at all.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

First Post & Product Review!

Hello there! I have been wanting to start this blog for quite some time now.  Inspiration never really struck me until recently.  I have been obsessed with youtuber beauty gurus! I've watched their videos and caught up on all the beauty/fashion I had ignored the last couple years.

My first true love is fashion/makeup/all things girly.  I have neglected that since I moved in with my boyfriend! My focus had been house house house / domestic / cooking / decorating / organizing.  Not to sound dramatic (too late), I lost a little piece of myself in the mix...but I found it again!

My focus for this blog will be:  fashion, makeup, beauty products, healthy living, organic/natural foods and some food not so much - I can't give up the bad stuff entirely - YET!

So, to start, I have been catching up on all of the latest makeup!

Starting with:  Baby Skin by Maybelleine

The packaging is what first drew me in.  Baby Blue and Baby Pink and a fun font.  I'm a sucker for packaging.  The first time I applied it, I was amazed at what it did to my pores! It truly did minimize them.  It is a clear gel that doesn't feel like it is too much on my pore area.  I give it 10 out of 10!

I purchased the Sizzlin Six by Benefit on so I could try out a mix of their products and see what I liked.  The British youtubers that I love watching seem to all love the brand Benefit.  So I wanted to give it a whirl.

I tried the Porefessional.

It is similar in more ways than one to Baby Skin.  I honestly thought they were about the same.  The only difference is that Porefessional seemed watery when I opened it.  However, the coverage seemed the same to me.  What is your opinion?

*sorry for the blurry camera would not focus!!!