Saturday, February 22, 2014

First Post & Product Review!

Hello there! I have been wanting to start this blog for quite some time now.  Inspiration never really struck me until recently.  I have been obsessed with youtuber beauty gurus! I've watched their videos and caught up on all the beauty/fashion I had ignored the last couple years.

My first true love is fashion/makeup/all things girly.  I have neglected that since I moved in with my boyfriend! My focus had been house house house / domestic / cooking / decorating / organizing.  Not to sound dramatic (too late), I lost a little piece of myself in the mix...but I found it again!

My focus for this blog will be:  fashion, makeup, beauty products, healthy living, organic/natural foods and some food not so much - I can't give up the bad stuff entirely - YET!

So, to start, I have been catching up on all of the latest makeup!

Starting with:  Baby Skin by Maybelleine

The packaging is what first drew me in.  Baby Blue and Baby Pink and a fun font.  I'm a sucker for packaging.  The first time I applied it, I was amazed at what it did to my pores! It truly did minimize them.  It is a clear gel that doesn't feel like it is too much on my pore area.  I give it 10 out of 10!

I purchased the Sizzlin Six by Benefit on so I could try out a mix of their products and see what I liked.  The British youtubers that I love watching seem to all love the brand Benefit.  So I wanted to give it a whirl.

I tried the Porefessional.

It is similar in more ways than one to Baby Skin.  I honestly thought they were about the same.  The only difference is that Porefessional seemed watery when I opened it.  However, the coverage seemed the same to me.  What is your opinion?

*sorry for the blurry camera would not focus!!!

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