Monday, April 6, 2015


The true meaning of Easter is not bunnies and candy.  It is a joyous day because Jesus has risen! 

One of my favorite bible passages sums it all up:
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."

While I do love Easter candy, a lot, Easter is my favorite holiday because Jesus is risen! He died on the cross to forgive us of our sins.  

If you aren't familiar with any of what I'm talking about, please read the New Testament in the King James Version of the Bible.  There is also a lot of media out there telling all to hear, the film "The Passion of Christ."  And the History Channel series, "The Bible." Or the new mini-series on NBC, "A.D." There is so much out there speaking to you. Listen!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Nibblr Box 2015 (box #1 for me)

I recently purchased a new subscription box! I love Graze so much that I decided to get Nibblr. Here are the contents of my first box:

It came with the cute print "Life is too short to be hangry" which would be really cute framed!  I wonder if they add a print in every box?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Sweet Smell of Perfume Oil

Recently, I have been obsessed with perfume oil.  I have been staying away from sprays because they give me allergies.  Now, the scent doesn't stay on your skin for too long, but I honestly don't think there are many perfumes that do.  My current favorites are from The Body Shop:

I found some on, but have yet to actually purchase any.

I'm still on the hunt for new ones to try....

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I'm a year behind on the trend, but here it is!

Grain-free Granola
For those of us who do the gluten-free thing.  I, for one, avoid gluten as well as oats and certain grains.  So, naturally, I miss granola.  Well, not anymore! There are loads of Grain-free Granolas out there! All of the ones pictured below can be found on Amazon.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Affordable (cute) Clothing Online

My online go-to stores when I don't have a lot of money to spend include:

10 Dollar Mall is my favorite of the three.

Check out the pics/links below of some current items you can find.  You have to order it when you find something though, as their inventory goes quick! They also have new inventory coming in constantly.  Sign up for their emails so you can know when new items are posted.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Spring Shopping List

 Top 5 Spring Must-Haves...


@ H&M

 2.  Wide-Leg/Flares/Bell Bottoms

@ Forever 21

3.  SUEDE ANYTHING!!!!! (or Faux Suede)

@ Forever 21

@ Forever 21

@ Forever 21

@ Forever 21

@ Forever 21

4.  Stripes

@ Revolve Clothing

@ Revolve Clothing

5. Jumpsuits

@ Revolve Clothing 

@ Alloy

Basically, a lot of 70's inspired clothing! My personal favorite fashion era.  Can you ever really go wrong with flares, sequins, stripes or suede? No, you cannot.

Love with Food Deluxe Box - February 2015

Contents of the February 2015 Deluxe Love with Box:

Now, I really love the Love with Food Box (Deluxe), but not for $19.99/month.  I know they have a Tasting size smaller box for $10/month.  I just don't feel like I get the value out of the Deluxe size.  I mean, they send so many doubles of items - which reduces the number of items in the box, really.  If there were that many individual items, I feel like it would be a good value.  However, that is not the case.  So, this month was my last box of Love with Food.  I'm always on the hunt for great healthy, organic monthly subscription boxes.  So we will see what I find in the coming months!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Eco Emi February 2015 Variety Box

I have grown to love the Eco Emi subscription box! Possibly my favorite.  The presentation is so pretty.  Everything is beautifully and delicately wrapped.  There were even (fake) rose petals this month! Such nice touches.

Here are the contents of February 2015, Variety Box:

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Love, Tanya book!!!

I also just got this in the mail that I ordered from Amazon! Love, Tanya by Youtuber Tanya Burr.  I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I'm excited to! I'm really excited to get Fleur DeForce's book, The Glam Guide! I ordered that also from Amazon.

However, here are some pics from Tanya's book:

Ipsy February 2015

Here is a look at Ipsy for February 2015.
I have to say, after getting this every month for a year, this is the first bag I am unimpressed with.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Favorite Brand of the Moment: Zum by Indigo Wild

To say I am obsessed with Zum is an understatement.  I am constantly buying more and more of their products.  All natural with essential oils? Yes, please!
Frankincense & Myrrh is by far my favorite scent.  The Zum Rub completely moisturizers my dried out cold hands, better than any lotion I use!

Here are 2 of my faves: