Saturday, February 21, 2015

Love with Food Deluxe Box - February 2015

Contents of the February 2015 Deluxe Love with Box:

Now, I really love the Love with Food Box (Deluxe), but not for $19.99/month.  I know they have a Tasting size smaller box for $10/month.  I just don't feel like I get the value out of the Deluxe size.  I mean, they send so many doubles of items - which reduces the number of items in the box, really.  If there were that many individual items, I feel like it would be a good value.  However, that is not the case.  So, this month was my last box of Love with Food.  I'm always on the hunt for great healthy, organic monthly subscription boxes.  So we will see what I find in the coming months!

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